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My first love of the outdoors...4H!

My first love for the outdoors started with chickens! When I became old enough I joined 4-H. This was something I could do and it didn’t affect my ears. Over my 4-H career, I raised or showed chickens, rabbits, turkeys, goats, pigs and llamas. My parents made me do the feeding, cleaning and all the necessary things to get them ready to go to market or show. Sometimes it was frustrating when I had to do animal chores but wanted to be doing something else. I guess it paid off when i collected the check for selling the animals. It taught me a lot about “the circle of life.” One year they made me keep track of the cost of feed and how much I paid for my animal and how much I sold it for so I could see what I really profited. I didn’t really get it back then why they made me do it but I’m sure getting it now! 4-H taught me determination, persistence, patience, hard work, and soooo much more! It was a lot of work to get ready every year for that week of fair and staying out there and taking care of my animals but it was the best week of my life every year back then! I owe a lot of who I am today to all the leaders who guided me throughout my 4-H career!

“Find your inner peace by becoming one with nature and continue to BLOOM in the outdoors!!”

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